Lehman Strauss

God forgave us without any merit on our part; therefore we must forgive others, whether or not we think they merit it.  

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Lucas Miles

Progressivism is attractive to formally biblical Christians because it offers a sort of halfway house that allows them to remain largely religious and socially responsible, but relieves them from the responsibility of holding to what they consider antiquated difficult teachings such as miracles, the authority of scripture, sexual wholeness or the sinfulness of humanity.

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Author Unknown

Reading the Bible without meditating on it is like trying to eat without swallowing.

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Bob Goff

Decide in advance that you will do whatever it takes to get your heart right and then do it even if it will kill all previous versions of you. You need to ask yourself, what makes your heart beat in ways that make you stronger, more courageous, more giving and more loving? Figure out what makes your heart skip a beat with joy and what makes it miss a beat with dysfunction and distraction.

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John Trent

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T.J. Green

Don't pray like a widow because you are the bride. Don't live like an orphan when you are a son. Don't settle for a pauper when you are a princess. God is revealing who you really are, your truest identity that is found only in Him.

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Phillips Brooks

Slowly, through all the universe the temple of God is being built. And whenever, in any place, a soul by freewilled obedience, catches the fire of God's likeness, it is set into the growing walls, a living stone.

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Shawn Bolz

So many times, we try to deal with the symptoms and not the roots. We try to deal with our identity issues by strengthening things that could be the external branches, not the root system. God wants to strengthen your identity, which is your root system. Being rooted and grounded in His truth for you.  

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Michael J Svigel

Theology 101: The question should never be, "Is this action leftist or right wing, liberal or conservative, socialist or capitalist?" The question should be, "Does this action love my neighbor, look out for their interest more than my own, and manifest the fruit of the spirit?"

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Christine Caine

God has not forgotten you, nor has he gone back on any one of his promises to you. You may have experienced unanticipated detours, unwarranted attacks, unpredictable delays, unrealistic expectations, unexpected failures, unnecessary interruptions, unfathomable heartache or undeniable opposition —but that does not mean the purpose of God will not come to pass in your life. All of the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ Jesus.

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