H.A. Baker

Christ finished salvation. He died for the sins of the whole world. Eternal life is a gift... The gift is free; all we have to do is accept it or reject it, take it or ignore it. We must be like one or the other of the thieves on the cross: either believe that Jesus is God and can save a sinner who acknowledges his sinful condition, and spend eternity with Christ in paradise, or be like the other thief and disbelieve that Jesus is God, and die in our unrepented and unforgiven sins, away from God.

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David Wilkerson

God hates the lukewarm gospel of half-truths that is now spreading over the globe. This gospel says, 'Just believe in Jesus and you'll be saved. There's nothing more to it.' It ignores the whole counsel of God, which speaks of repenting from former sins, of taking up your Cross, of being conformed to the image of Christ by the refining work of the Holy Spirit. It is totally silent about the reality of Hell and an after-death Judgment.  

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Jeremy Riddle

I have begun to wonder if the gross empowerment and elevation of personal opinion on social media has really deluded us into thinking that our opinions hold any weight against the Word of God. I wonder if we have been so trained by a democratic, consumer-driven society that we have forgotten that the kingdom of God is not a democracy, but a theocracy. A government in which His Word and His Word alone stands. We must return to our senses and know this: when it comes to the Word of God, the online uproar and outcry of seething, opinionated objections and dissenting votes, has absolutely zero weight. It doesn't matter. I'm not saying our voice doesn't matter to God. I'm simply reminding us: Dissenting against His voice is absolute folly.

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Max Lucado

The church of our Lord began with a group of frightened men in an upper room. Allow Jesus to come into your upper room and stand before you. Run your fingers over his feet. Place your hand in the pierced side. And look into those eyes. Those same eyes that melted the gates of hell and sent Satan running. Look at them as they look at you. You'll never be the same.

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Joyce Meyer

It is time for us to make up our minds. We have a way to get connected like never before and so many are not using it for the best things. I want to use the internet and Facebook to connect with other Christians so I can encourage and be encouraged in everyday life. I need prayer but I need the encouragement of the rest of the Body of Christ. My body couldn’t function correctly if I didn’t have a mouth to eat or a stomach to make the able to be taken to the rest of the body. Let’s start connecting for strength and training instead of complaining and gossiping.

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Ray Stedman

This is why the Bible was written. It is all about Jesus Christ, from Genesis to Revelation -- in symbol, in story, in marvelous prophetic vision, in simple narrative account, in history, in poetry, in everything - it is all about Jesus Christ. He is the secret of the book.

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Michael Maiden

It is narcissistic behaviour to demand that other people be sensitive to your emotional triggers. When your personal happiness is dependent on other people's behaviour, it guarantees you'll be chronically unhappy and always see yourself as a victim.

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Ray Johnston

Maybe you've been in some places or gone through some years where the best view is in the rearview mirror, but hope has no hindsight. We never hope backwards. We always hope forward. Hope connects us to our future and determines that future.

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Priscilla Shirer

Not only does our prayer deflect the enemy, but our purity deflects the enemy. God calls you to purity because He wants your heart protected and at rest, inhospitable to the devil and his intentions. God wants you full of power and confidence and spiritual vitality. He wants you free to bless and encourage others, to receive and celebrate His goodness, to become such a stick-of-dynamite prayer warrior that Satan just hates hearing your coffee pot heat up in the morning.

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Dallas Willard

To "grow in grace" means to utilize more and more grace to live by, until everything we do is assisted by grace. Then, whatever we do in word or deed will all be done in the name of the Lord Jesus (Colossians 3:17). The greatest saints are not those who need less grace, but those who consume the most grace, who indeed are most in need of grace—those who are saturated by grace in every dimension of their being. Grace to them is like breath.

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