Kris Vallotton

Some believe that calling out greatness in people promotes pride. True humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less. The truth of God’s grace humbles people without degrading them and exalts people without inflating them.

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Sadhu Sundar Singh

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Max Lucado

Don’t give up. Is the trail dark? Don’t sit. Is the road long? Don’t stop. Is the night black? Don’t quit. God is watching. For all you know right at this moment he may be telling the angel to move the stone. The check may be in the mail. The apology may be in the making. The job contract may be on the desk. Don’t quit. For if you do, you may miss the answer to your prayers. God still sends angels. And God still moves stones.

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Peter Scazzero

  Jesus’ stunning success in teaching and feeding the 5,000 at the beginning of John 6 is followed just a few paragraphs later by a corresponding numerical failure: "At this point many of his disciples turned away and deserted him" (John 6:66 NLT). Jesus didn’t wring his hands and question his preaching strategy; he remained content, knowing he was in the Father’s will. He had a larger perspective on what God was doing. Success isn’t always bigger and better.

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David Joel Hamilton

Consider Peter’s situation. Seven years after Jesus’ instructions to preach the gospel to every person (Mar 16:15), he still was only moving in familiar, culturally-comfortable circles. How about us? Are there changes God wants to make in the way we think and live like he did in Peter’s life? Are we moving beyond the known and the familiar to reach those who are culturally different from us? Are we sharing good news with those who were born elsewhere and speak a different language? Are we communicating redemption to those who are outside our day-to-day activities? Take time to consider how you can move beyond your relational circles to share the gospel with those who are different from you.

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Gretchen Rodriguez


Don't shy away from stillness. Set time aside to wait in the Lord’s presence, even if it feels uncomfortable at first, and you hear nothing. The truth is that stillness is teeming with spiritual activity.


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Arthur W. Pink

More than the Scriptures are needed to bring a sinner out of darkness into God's marvelous light—namely, the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. It is only as He applies the Word—that the conscience is pierced, the heart searched, and the will moved. Perhaps someone retorts, "But did not Christ say in John 6:63 'the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life,' and does not that prove the very words of Scripture are life-giving?" Ah, go back to the first part of that very verse, "It is the Spirit who gives life"! We must not separate the Spirit from the Word—He is the Divine.

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Andy Stanley

  One of the primary reasons we don't seek counsel from the wise people around us is that we already know what we are going to hear--and we just don't want to hear it.

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Jack Hayford

So often people isolate themselves when they are lonely, hurt or afraid. Yet the Lord says that He wants to put them into families—families of friends, families within the Body of Christ, families of their own. The isolation to which many have retreated is due to broken relationships that need to be bound together. Other times, there are relationships that do not yet exist that need to be bound together; however, assisting or inviting people into small group fellowships or prayer groups sets an atmosphere where the healing of prayerful partnership and friendship will eventuate in faith that binds together.

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C.S. Lewis

We must learn to live on the heavenly side and look at things from above. To contemplate all things as God sees them, as Christ beholds them, overcomes sin, defies Satan, dissolves perplexities, lifts us above trials, separates us from the world and conquers fear of death.

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