Jon Bloom

What are your actions saying? What do you do when you are alone, or when your plans are interrupted, or you are disappointed, or your weakness is exposed, or you’re tempted to fear, or someone else prospers or excels you, or you’re called on to help meet someone else’s financial need? How much of a priority do you make your local church? How willing are you to serve obscurely? When those who are closest to you are honest, those who observe you in your unguarded, uncalculated moments, what do they hear from your actions? These are exposing and convicting questions. Jesus had perfect consistency between his words and works. None of the rest of us has this yet.

Steve Backlund

The Greek word for repentance means “𝒕𝒐 π’„π’‰π’‚π’π’ˆπ’† 𝒕𝒉𝒆 π’˜π’‚π’š π’šπ’π’– π’•π’‰π’Šπ’π’Œ.” Repentance is a lifestyle, not an event. We are not done repenting until we have glistening hope in the area we are repenting about.

Julie Maw

Think about such things. Things that are good. It’s a challenge to do this today. There’s so many competing messages, so many distractions, so many opportunities to get off track. But at the end of it all: my mind is my greatest strength. I can choose to think about whatever I want to. What is good? What is true? What is pure? I challenge myself in this daily because the power of owning my inner world is unstoppable. No one and no thing has power over my mind. And that is a truth I must hold fast to.

Holli Revell

There are times when I have chosen to remain silent outwardly. It’s not because I don’t care, it’s because I have the understanding that my inner world really determines what happens in the outer world around me. I’m relying on a power inside of me that when I walk into regions they are transformed because the power and the presence I’m carrying, He chose to walk in meekness, yet He dispelled darkness all around Him.