When the real love touch of God is breathed into your soul, what a transformation takes place. There is probably no more delightful thing on earth than to watch a soul praying to God when the light of God comes on, and the life of God fills the nature and that holy affection that we seek from others finds expression in Him.
C. S. Lewis
John Wesley
John Wesley was asked the question, ‘What is the world? And he replied, ‘Whatever cools your affection towards Christ, that is the world.’
Jill Wolf
Everyone was meant to share God’s all-abiding love and care, He saw that we would need to know a way to let these feelings show, so God made hugs.
Ray C. Stedman
There is a story of a man who was walking down the street. He paused at a used book store, and in the window he saw a book with the title, How to Hug. He was taken by the title and, being somewhat of a romantic nature, went in to buy the book. To his chagrin, he discovered it was the seventh volume of an encyclopedia and covered the subjects “How” to “Hug”. Everyone knows that the church is a place where love ought to be manifested, and many people have come to church hoping to find a demonstration of love – only to discover an encyclopedia on theology.