Birds sing on a bare bough; O, believer, canst not thou?
Birds sing on a bare bough; O, believer, canst not thou?
What are our lame praises in comparison with His love? Nothing, and less than nothing; but love will stammer rather than be dumb.
Worship is just the simple act of adoring Jesus. It doesn’t need an acoustic guitar. It doesn’t need lights. It doesn’t need a platform. It doesn’t need a stage. It doesn’t need any of those things. It simply needs a people that have their hearts set on adoring Him. That’s all that it needs, and this simple act of adoring Jesus is like this incredibly simplistic key, but it opens massive doors.
We have little comprehension of what our faith means to God…. Ever since God took the ‘risk’ of making room for free human beings, faith—true, unbribed, freely offered faith—has had an intrinsic value to God that we can barely imagine. There is no better way for us to express love to God than by exercising fidelity to him.