Alexander MacLaren

There are diversities of operations, but it is the same breath of God, which sometimes blows in the softest pianissimo that scarcely rustles the summer woods in the leafy month of June, and sometimes storms in wild tempest that dashes the seas against the rocks. So this mighty life-giving Agent moves in gentleness and yet in power, and sometimes swells and rises almost to tempest, but is ever the impelling force of all that is strong and true and fair in Christian hearts and lives.

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Hannah Whitall Smith

God is the giver, and we are the receivers. And His riches are gifted not upon those who do the greatest things but upon those who accept His abundance and His grace. ---------

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A.J. Swoboda

[The Sabbath] has largely been forgotten by the church, which has uncritically mimicked the rhythms of the industrial and success-obsessed West. The result? Our road-weary, exhausted churches have largely failed to integrate Sabbath into their lives as vital elements of Christian discipleship. It is not as though we do not love God—we love God deeply. We just do not know how to sit with God anymore. We have become perhaps the most emotionally exhausted, psychologically overworked, and spiritually malnourished people in history.

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D. L. Moody

  God cast our confessed sins into the depths of the sea, and He's even put a 'No Fishing' sign over the spot.

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Howard G. Hendricks

Perhaps the Spirit of God is saying to many of us today, "I want to minister through you. But before I can ever minister through you, I must minister to you." Don't despise the educational experience of your drying brook. Don't throw in the towel... Let patience have her perfect work, so that you may be mature and complete. He wants to make you just like His Son.

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Matt Stinton

Peace is something you have to fight for. As converse as that sounds, there's always something trying to distract us. Focusing on things that build peace rather than fear is a constant necessity. Your mind is the battlefield, after all.

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Paul Hedges

Are you having a wilderness experience at present? Are you asking yourself, "Why?" Maybe God needs a place where He has your full attention. He has said before, “Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her." Stand still and listen. Tender words of love and compassion can change your world today!
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Hope has two beautiful daughters.  Their names are anger and courage; anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they do not remain the way they are.

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Jon Bloom

What are your actions saying? What do you do when you are alone, or when your plans are interrupted, or you are disappointed, or your weakness is exposed, or you’re tempted to fear, or someone else prospers or excels you, or you’re called on to help meet someone else’s financial need? How much of a priority do you make your local church? How willing are you to serve obscurely? When those who are closest to you are honest, those who observe you in your unguarded, uncalculated moments, what do they hear from your actions? These are exposing and convicting questions. Jesus had perfect consistency between his words and works. None of the rest of us has this yet.

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Will Ford

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