Robert Bolton

Were the holiest heart upon earth enlarged to the vast comprehension of this great world’s wideness; nay, made capable of all the glorious and magnificent hallelujahs and hearty praises offered to Jehovah, both by all the militant and triumphant church, yet would it come infinitely short of sufficiently magnifying, admiring, and adoring the inexplicable mystery and bottomless depth of this free, independent mercy, and love to God, the Fountain and First Mover of all our good.

John Paul Jackson

It is in God’s name that we can rest our faith, knowing that He will always live up to His name. If God fails to act on behalf of His name, then Scripture is null and comes back to Him void. This will never happen. We may lack faith on our part, but when it comes to God and His name, there is never a lack of power or glory.