David Joel Hamilton

We don’t want mere information about God. We want him. We want a deeply intimate, experiential encounter with the living God. For this reason, Job resisted his friends’ pat answers and their religious platitudes. Amidst his pain, he passionately pursued God with hard-hitting questions until he reached a relational revelation; until he could say to God, “I have seen you with my own eyes.” This kind of knowledge is truly transformational. This kind of knowledge is not accidental. It comes to those who – like Job – earnestly yearn for God. Job’s hunger for God was unquenchable, his pursuit of God was unstoppable. He declared his undying hope, “I will see God! I will see him for myself. Yes, I will see him with my own eyes” (Job 19:26-27).  

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Katherine Walden

  Step back when you begin to beg God to move from a posture of panic,  Check your body posture. Are your hands clenched? Is your face scrunched up? Take a deep breath, exhale, then ask yourself the following questions. Do you believe God is a good God and your Heavenly Father? Are you praying out of fear that he isn't listening or won't answer you unless you prove to him how desperate you are? If so, calm your heart, remind yourself of the truth, and pray from a place of trust that God's care is unwavering. Rest assured, you are always heard, knowing that God cares more about your situation than you do. Pray with the sure knowledge that you are a child of God and that He knows your voice and hears your faintest whisper.

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H. A. Baker

The step to heaven after death, or at the coming of the Lord seemed so small and the coming up of Lord so near that it removed from our mind all mystery as to why the first disciples could sell their possessions and face persecution and death without wavering; our kingdom is not of this world. Our citizenship is in heaven, whence also we wait for our Saviour. Our life, our work, our service, and our hardships are only brief and passing incidents on the way to the true life, the true city in the true kingdom that cannot be shaken.  

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Brian Simmons

We criticise others instead of loving them as they are. We love to pass verdicts on others, as though we were judges. Judging others is not our task. Our debt of love compels us to lay aside our premature judgments, which keeps agape love from flowing out of us. We become unconditional lovers. The Lord spoke to me once and said: "You don’t have to appear for jury duty."  

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Billy Graham

The world does need changing, society needs changing, the nation needs changing, but we never will change it until we ourselves are changed. And we never will change until we look into the mirror of our own soul and face with candor what we are inside.

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Thomas a Kempis

How should your patience be crowned in heaven if no adversity should befall to you in earth? If you will suffer no adversity how could you be a friend of Christ?

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Kathy Vallotton

My mind was in an intense battle to find peace as the enemy chucked terrifying thoughts into my fortress like grenades thrown on a battlefield. I often found myself ducking for cover and longing for solace. The trial was kicking my butt, and God was exposing my weakness. In the midst of my inner war, I remembered what King Solomon wrote: “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10). I felt God summoning me into His tower, and I had a deep conviction that He wanted to wash away my fears with His Word.

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A Gaelic Prayer

I am going out on Thy path. God be behind me, God be before, God be in my footsteps.

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Francine Rivers

In Christ, you are His child. You are raised up with Him. You are forgiven. In Christ, you are a new creation, the very temple of the Holy Spirit. You are delivered from the power of darkness. You are redeemed, blessed, holy, and sanctified. And in Christ, you will be reunited in love.

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Anthony Nguyen

I am not worried about what tomorrow brings because I know my God is already there. He is already working all things out for good on my behalf. He is preparing the way and guiding my steps. God’s provision and favor is upon my life!

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