John Eldredge


Jesus said nothing about pillows and comfortable retirement. He launched the invasion of the kingdom of God into a world held by darkness. He invites you to join him in living in that startling, dangerous, and beautiful Story.

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Julia Loren

Scripture tells us that Jesus only did what His Father told Him to do. We are really no different. It’s absolutely essential for us to know what the Father has in mind for us. Because, you see, there is a vast difference between being a slave and a son. A slave never knows the plans of his master, only the tasks he’s expected to do. He has no future, and no inheritance. However, a son will one day inherit everything his father owns, so when he is commissioned to do something for his father, he joyfully does it because he knows it will benefit the kingdom that also belongs to him. Ownership brings with it a deep and abiding sense of fulfillment and purpose.

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Martin Luther King Jr

Any religion that professes to be concerned with the souls of men and is not concerned with the slums that damn them, the economic conditions that strangle them, and the social conditions that cripple them is a dry-as-dust religion.

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George MacDonald

Instead of so knowing Christ that they have Him in them saving them, they lie wasting themselves in soul-sickening self-examination as to whether they are believers, whether they are really trusting in the Atonement, whether they are truly sorry for their sins - - the way to madness of the brain and despair of the heart...Instead of asking yourself whether you believe or not, ask yourself whether you have, this day, done one thing because He said, Do it! Or once abstained because He said, Do not do it! It is simply absurd to say you believe, or even want to believe, in Him, if you do not do anything He tells you.

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Ann Voskamp


Peace isn’t a place to arrive at but a person to abide in.

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Ben Fitzgerald

When someone is burning for God, we can... 𝗔. Get jealous and tell them they are in their honeymoon period and need to grow in wisdom. 𝗕. Find areas of their life they are not doing perfectly in and tear them down in your mind to make yourself feel better. 𝗖. Act like an orphan by talking down about them to others. 𝗗. Let their fire make you hungry for more. Remember God’s nature, that He is no respecter of persons. If you come to Him, He will give you the same passion and intimacy He is giving them!  

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Max Lucado

Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.

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Dorothy Day

If you are rushed for time, sow time and you will reap time. Go to church and spend a quiet hour in prayer. You will have more time than ever and your work will get done. Sow time with the poor. Sit and listen to them, give them your time lavishly. You will reap time a hundredfold.

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Fleming Rutledge

God did not change his mind about us on account of the cross or on any other account. He did not need to have his mind changed. He was never opposed to us. It is not his opposition to us but our opposition to him that had to be overcome,


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Dutch Sheets

You need to get rid of any theology that allows Jesus to lose. You need to get rid of any theology that says we are just barely gonna make it to the end and maybe He’s gonna come and rescue us. We are part of an ever increasing kingdom and a King that cannot be defeated. He will do what He said He will do.

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