Martyn Lloyd-Jones

It is the resurrection that finally proves who our Lord is. It is the resurrection that finally establishes the point that this Jesus whom the Jewish leaders had despised—Jesus the carpenter, this fellow, this man who had learning, never having learned, this imposter, this blasphemer, this one who claimed equality with God—really was all He claimed to be. It is the final proof that He is none other than God’s only begotten Son, the eternal Son of God; that though He was a man, He was not only a man. “Ah,” you say, “but what about the case of Lazarus? Didn’t he also rise from the dead?” Lazarus was merely restored to life, and he died again later on. Our Lord, by contrast, is “the first begotten of [from] the dead” (Rev. 1:5). He is the first person ever to have gone through death and come out the other side alive. And that is the proof of the fact that He is the Son of God.