Samuel Logan Brengle
August 22, 2023
I praise him! I adore him! I love him! My whole being is his for time and eternity. I am not my own. He can do with me as he pleases for I am his. I know that what he chooses must work out for my eternal good. He is too wise to make mistakes and too good to do me evil. I trust him, I trust him, I trust him!
Samuel Logan Brengle
Daily Christian Quote Website
I praise him! I adore him! I love him! My whole being is his for time and eternity. I am not my own. He can do with me as he pleases for I am his. I know that what he chooses must work out for my eternal good. He is too wise to make mistakes and too good to do me evil. I trust him, I trust him, I trust him!