Author Unknown

Lord, I renounce my desire for human praise, for the approval of my peers, the need for public recognition. I deliberately put these aside today, content to hear you whisper, "Well done, my faithful servant." Amen

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Leo Green

This new strength which God gives in response to faith is graduated to human need. There will be strength for soaring, for a life with wings--elevation, vision, buoyancy. There will be strength for running, the capacity to meet the stress and strain of trying times. There will be strength for walking, for "The humdrum dullness of ordinary days" with their frustrations and irritations--strength to be steady and saintly in the regular round, to keep on keeping on when the sky is gray and the way is monotonous. If we wait on the Lord, we shall be perpetually reinforced from within with a strength graduated to our needs.

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Hannah Whitall Smith

The soul that waits upon the Lord is the soul that is entirely surrendered to Him, and that trusts Him perfectly. Therefore we might name our wings the wings of Surrender and of Trust. If we will only surrender ourselves utterly to the Lord, and will trust Him perfectly, we shall find our souls "mounting up with wings as eagles" to the "heavenly places" in Christ Jesus, where earthly annoyances or sorrows have no power to disturb us.

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Sadhu Sundar Singh

The true Christian is like sandalwood, which imparts its fragrance to the axe which cuts it, without doing any harm in return.

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Watchman Nee

Any victory that does not more than conquer is just an imitation victory. While we are suppressing and wrestling, we are only imitating victory. If Christ lives in us, we will rejoice in everything, and we will thank and praise the Lord. We will say, "Hallelujah! Praise the Lord" forever.

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John Wimber

In this age of the pursuit of self gratification and self-indulgence, genuine, warm hospitality stands out as a practical example of unselfish giving. The attitude and act of welcoming a stranger into our lives as well as our homes may bear eternal fruit as well as be a practical form of ministry.

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Jonathan Edwards

If you...come to Christ, he will appear as a Lion, in his glorious power and dominion, to defend you. All those excellencies of his, in which he appears as a lion, shall be yours, and shall be employed for you in your defense, for your safety, and to promote your glory; he will be as a lion to fight against your enemies. He that touches you, or offends you, will provoke his wrath, as he that stirs up a lion. Unless your enemies can conquer this Lion, they shall not be able to destroy or hurt you. Unless they are stronger than he, they shall not be able to hinder your happiness.

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Francois Fenelon

O how near are we to each other when we are all united in God! How well do we converse when we have but a single will and a single thought in Him who is all things in us! Would you find your true friends, then? Seek them only in Him who is the single source of true and eternal friendship. Would you speak with or hear from them? Sink in silence into the bosom of Him who is the word, the life, and the soul of all those who speak and live the truth. You will find in Him not only every want supplied, but everything perfect, which you find so imperfect in the creatures in whom you confide.

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Author Unknown

Sin is a clenched fist and its object is the face of God.

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Max Lucado

Our Saviour kneels down and gazes upon the darkest acts of our lives. But rather than recoil in horror, he reaches out in kindness and says, 'I can clean that if you want.' And from the basin of his grace, he scoops a palm full of mercy and washes our sin.

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