Garris Elkins

Jesus, our Commanding Officer, has assembled our prayers, acts of worship, and prophetic declarations and set them under the gates of hell. He is calling forth a detonation at this time in history. Do not ever lose hope and think that your acts of faithfulness to pray, worship, and make prophetic declarations is of no effect. The weapons of our warfare and their immediate effect are not easily assessed because they function in the unseen realm of the Spirit. Paul said of this kind of spiritual warfare “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds” ( II Corinthians 10:4). All that you have done in the name of Jesus in obedience to His voice has been set as supernatural charges to bring down the strongholds of hell and those who work in partnership with hellish agendas. Great change is on the horizon.

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