Alan King

Jesus remains the absolute point of everything. He is the one our eyes fasten on, the one our heart longs for and the one who is worth losing everything to gain. That eternal perspective, that intimacy with Him, that hunger and longing, that romance and that realization that He is everything we could ever need, is the constant answer to every assault from the devil. We laugh in the face of adversity, knowing that we have a perfect Saviour who brings a joy that few ever truly experience. We cannot function without that joy. It is the driving force that both sustains and nourishes us. It is indeed our constant strength. When we lack answers, His joy lifts us above the questions and positions us in a place of perfect peace. We remain childlike because we trust Him with every fibre of our being. We play at the feet of the One who is love. We dare not stray into our own intellect but pursue the wisdom that simply says ‘Yes Jesus.’ As we drown in the tidal waves of His love, we find a footing that is solid, secure and beautiful.

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