Charles Haddon Spurgeon
I bear my witness that the worst days I have ever had have turned out to be my best days. And when God has seemed most cruel to me, he has then been most kind. If there is anything in this world for which I would bless him more than for anything else, it is for pain and affliction. I am sure that in these things the richest, tenderest love has been manifested to me. Our Father's wagons rumble most heavily when they are bringing us the richest freight of the bullion of his grace. Love letters from heaven are often sent in black-edged envelopes. The cloud that is black with horror is big with mercy. Fear not the storm. It brings healing in its wings, and when Jesus is with you in the vessel, the tempest only hastens the ship to its desired haven.
Thomas a Kempis
For a small reward, a man will hurry away on a long journey; while for eternal life, many will hardly take a single step.
Kokichi Kurosaki
Fellowship between God and man, interrupted by the sin of the first Adam, was reopened by redemption bought with the blood of the last Adam. Now anyone can have direct koinonia with God and share His very life - -anyone can live a life of love and unity with Christ. This is really the centre of Christianity, and "faith" is nothing other than the state of having this life union with God. To be justified by faith means that God has access to repentant sinners through Christ and is thus able to enjoy this koinonia with them.
Charles Stalker
The Son of God had five thousand when He was feeding them with the loaves and fishes, He had a multitude when He was opening the eyes of the blind, but when He was sweating the death sweat for a lost world, He was alone. I want to say, beloved, that this is as true as it has ever been. You will spend much time alone with God, and the greatest struggles and the greatest battles of your life will take place when you are alone.
G. Campbell Morgan
Evil is always suggesting some compromise. To listen to it is to remain enslaved. The only way into liberty is to leave the land of evil.
George-Louis Leclerc de Buffon
Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on; hold fast; hold out. Patience is genius.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
I heard one say the other day that a certain preacher had no more gifts for the ministry than an oyster, and in my own judgment this was a slander on the oyster, for that worthy bivalve shows great discretion in his openings, and knows when to close. If some men were sentenced to hear their own sermons, it would be a righteous judgement upon them, and they would soon cry out with Cain, "My punishment is greater than I can bear."
Oswald Chambers
Jesus Christ carries on intercession for us in heaven; the Holy Spirit carries on intercession in us on earth; and we the saints have to carry on intercession for all men.
A W Tozer
If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the church today, 95 percent of what we do would go on and no one would know the difference. If the Holy Spirit had been withdrawn from the New Testament church, 95 percent of what they did would stop, and everybody would know the difference.