Don Tuggle

Stay in the word of God and stay focused on His love for us. The greatest trap of the enemy is to throw flaming darts of offense, and it is always partnered with hurt and betrayal from family and close friends. No matter your circumstance, choose the promises of God over your situation every time. Don’t get distracted by the evil occurring all around us, stand, fear not because God has not and will not abandon us.

Desmond Tutu

When I develop a mindset of forgiveness, rather than a mindset of grievance, I don’t just forgive a particular act; I become a more forgiving person. With a grievance mindset, I look at the world and see all that is wrong. When I have a forgiveness mindset, I start to see the world not through grievance but through gratitude. In other words, I look at the world and start to see what is right. There is a special kind of magic that happens when I become a more forgiving person—it is quite remarkable. What was once a grave affront melts into nothing more than a thoughtless or careless act. What was once a reason for rupture and alienation becomes an opportunity for repair and greater intimacy. A life that seemed littered with obstacles and antagonism is suddenly filled with opportunity and love.

Voddie Baucham Jr.

If we refuse to forgive, we have stepped into dangerous waters. First, refusing to forgive is to put ourselves in the place of God, as though vengeance were our prerogative, not his. Second, unforgiveness says God’s wrath is insufficient. For the unbeliever, we are saying that an eternity in hell is not enough; they need our slap in the face or cold shoulder to “even the scales” of justice. For the believer, we are saying that Christ’s humiliation and death are not enough. In other words, we shake our fists at God and say, “Your standards may have been satisfied, but my standard is higher!” Finally, refusing to forgive is the highest form of arrogance. Here we stand forgiven. And as we bask in the forgiveness of a perfectly holy and righteous God, we turn to our brother and say, “My sins are forgivable, but yours are not.” In other words, we act as though the sins of others are too significant to forgive while simultaneously believing that ours are not significant enough to matter.

Michael A Lee

Hate doesn’t always show up as hate in one’s heart. It begins as a seemingly cuddly little cub known as offense, which tells him or her how great he is and that the entire world hates him. As the cub is allowed to grow, it turns into an untameable beast known as hate which turns on everyone, including the keeper who coddled it and fed it. Be wary of what you entertain within your soul.