Francis de Sales

December 20, 2019

Without a doubt, one of the things which keeps us from attaining perfection is our tongue. When one has reached the point of no longer committing faults in speech, he has surely reached perfection, as was said by the Holy Spirit. The worst defect in talking is talking too much. Hence, in speech be brief and virtuous, brief and gentle, brief and simple, brief and charitable, brief and amiable.

Francis Frangipane

Guard what you say, especially today. Yes, guard your tongue. Blessings await you but so also are self-induced troubles. Remember: Life and death are in the power of your tongue. Indeed, James warns, that the tongue sets on fire “the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell (Jms 3:6). Don’t destroy your life by speaking loveless words containing seeds of death. Speak life/reap life.

Francois Fenelon

Silence promotes the presence of God, prevents many harsh and proud words, and suppresses many dangers in the way of ridiculing or harshly udging our neighbours…If you are faithful on keeping silence when it is not necessary to speak, God will preserve you from evil when it is right for you to talk.