A.W. Tozer

Those who have been spiritually enabled to love God for Himself will find a thousand fountains springing up from the rainbow circled throne and bringing countless treasures which are to be received with reverent thanksgiving as being the overflow of God’s love for His children. Each gift is a bonus of grace which because it was not sought for itself may be enjoyed without injury to the soul. These include the simple blessings of life, such as health, a home, a family, congenial friends, food, shelter, the pure joys of nature or the more artificial pleasures of music and art.

Dr Jim Richards

It is not a fear of God hurting us; it is the fear of breaking God’s heart and hurting our relationship. At this point some would say, “but I’m in Christ, nothing can hurt our relationship.” This is a person who has a doctrinal arrangement, not a relationship. Maybe we need to rethink and realize nothing can hurt my standing but disrespect and unfaithfulness can hurt the relationship.

Brennan Manning

I want neither a terrorist spirituality that keeps me in a perpetual state of fright about being in right relationship with my heavenly Father nor a sappy spirituality that portrays God as such a benign teddy bear that there is no aberrant behavior or desire of mine that he will not condone. I want a relationship with the Abba of Jesus, who is infinitely compassionate with my brokenness and at the same time an awesome, incomprehensible, and unwieldy Mystery.