John Mark Comer

Jesus came out of the wilderness with all sorts of clarity about his identity and calling. He was grounded. Centered. In touch with God and himself. From that place of emotional equilibrium and spiritual succor, he knew precisely what to say yes to and, just as importantly, what to say no to. Hence: as the Gospels go on, you quickly realize the quiet place was top priority for Jesus.

John G Lake

Many Christians thinks it’s all right if they pattern after Jesus in a sort of way. They imitate Him, and they do the things which He did; that is, they outwardly do them. They perform kind acts, and they do other things which Jesus did. But the secret of Christianity is not in doing, the secret is in being. Real Christianity is in being a possessor of the nature of Jesus Christ. In other words, it is being Christ in character. Christ in demonstration. Christ in agency of transmission. When one gives himself to the Lord and becomes a child of God, a Christian, he is a Christ man. All that he does, and all that he says from that time on, should be the will and the words and the doings of Jesus just as absolutely. just as entirely, as he spoke, and did the will of the Father.

Francis Chan

God is not just one thing we add to the mix called life. He wants an invitation from us to permeate everything in every part of us. In the same way, seeking a healthy balance of the Holy Spirit assumes that there are some who have too much Holy Spirit, and others who have too little. I have yet to meet anyone with too much Holy Spirit. Granted, I’ve met many who talked about it too much, but none who are actually overfilled with His presence.

Jean-Baptiste de la Salle

The more you abandon to God the care of all temporal things the more He will take care to provide for all your wants. But if on the contrary you try to supply all your needs Providence will allow you to continue to do just that, and then it may very well happen that even necessity will be lacking to you. For God will reprove you for your lack of faith in reliance on self.

Anne Hamilton

Jesus had to tell the Jews of His own time that Moses was not the one who supplied manna from heaven. The people had obviously raised Moses to the throne of God. And we have done similarly for others in our own time. There is only one real hero in Scripture. Only one. His name is Jesus. The rest of them are ordinary, flawed human beings—just like us. We are not called be as good as they were, we are called to be far better. The blood of Jesus is the empowerment to launch us towards achieving this impossible target.