Neil Kennedy

I’ve learned that closed doors are not threats to my destiny. I’ve learned that when someone exits my life, the right person enters it. I’ve learned that people lie. I’ve learned that God keeps his promises. I’ve learned that people will betray you, but God is loyal. I’ve learned that you can be alone while standing in a crowd. I’ve learned not to be concerned with what people think about me because frankly, most people don’t think about me. But God knows my name.

Neil Kennedy
Daily Christian Quote Website

Michael Maiden

It can be traumatically painful when someone who’s supposed to care, protect and provide for us, doesn’t. But when people fail us, our loving God never will. God will never grant a person authority over your destiny. When toxic, manipulative people realize they can’t control us, they’ll seek to control how other people view us. The enemy uses false accusations as a poisonous weapon seeking to destroy your identity and destiny.

David Wilkerson

When you are deeply hurt, no person on this earth can shut out the innermost fears and deepest agonies. The best of friends cannot really understand the battle you are going through or the wounds inflicted on you. Only God can shut out the waves of depression and feelings of loneliness and failure that come over you. Faith in God’s love alone can salvage the hurt mind. The bruised and broken heart that suffers in silence can be healed only by a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit, and nothing short of divine intervention really works.

Katherine Walden

Doctor Who: “You betrayed me. You betrayed my trust, you betrayed our friendship, you betrayed everything I ever stood for. You let me down!”
Clara: “Then why are you helping me?”
Doctor Who: “Why?” He pauses. “Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?” (Doctor Who – Dark Water)

And this is the love God has always had for us. We betrayed Him, we took advantage of His friendship, and we turned our backs. We acted out in ways that went against everything He stood for and yet, He said he would help us. Instead of turning His back on us in response to our betrayal, He answered our “Why are you helping us?” with the same words as the Doctor. “Do you think I cared for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?” And then He took it one step further, sacrificing everything, laying on a cross that became the bridge that we could cross, closing the gap our betrayal caused.