Charles P St-Onge

Immanuel will bring lasting, true peace. (Isa 7:14) Not just an end to physical war, although that is what we usually think of when we think of peace. No, this is a deeper peace. A peace between us and God. True reconciliation between the Creator and his creatures. Through Immanuel life for us and his death for us we will be at peace with God. This isn’t our doing. We didn’t make the peace.  We didn’t even take the first step.  God did.  Because that is God’s attitude toward us:  always seeking, always restoring, always saving.  Immanuel comes to show us that we matter, each and every one of us, to God.  Jesus Christ, our Lord, and God’s Son, is Immanuel – God with us.  Jesus was born a child and lived among us, died our death on the cross, all so that we would have peace with God, from this time forth and forever more.  The zeal of the Lord of Hosts has done this.

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